Helping Those
That Help Others
We envision an established foundation that continues to grow and provide support to paramedics, emergency medical technicians, fire fighters, military, police officers, dispatchers, and administrative personnel working diligently behind the scenes. We are dedicated to providing additional funding for these organizations and scholarships to high school students that choose a career as a first responder. We will assist in educating the community and providing support and access to treatments for those experiencing physical and behavioral health challenges. We will bring ongoing and deserved recognition to the heroes of Hopkins County.

re in force ment
the action or process of reinforcing or strengthening.
extra personnel sent to increase the strength of an army or similar force.

Who We Are And What We Do
The Reinforcement Foundation is more than just a charitable organization. Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of first responders, their families, and the organizations that are dedicated to protecting and conserving life. With the faithfulness of our volunteers and sponsors, we are committed to supporting and strengthening the force behind the men and women that make sacrifices every day while serving their communities.

"Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is save one."
Abraham Lincoln

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